توليد بیو پروتئین
The History of
Single Cell Protein Production (SCP)
The production of single-cell protein is not
a recent development in history. On the contrary, nature itself has for millions of years produced lots of it - maybe 1000
million tons annually on the basis of methane alone.
In this century, various governments, institutions
and companies have spent large amounts of time and money on the development of an industrialised process that could do the
same - produce single cell protein - cost efficiently on the basis of methanol.
SCP has been known for many years. It was an important
part of the human and animal nutrition in Germany during World
War I and II. Since the 1960's, SCP production on oil
products and natural gas has been elucidated in a number of studies, due to the universal availability of large quantities
of this raw material. Few of the studied processes have resulted in production plants, one reason being the oil crisis
at the end of 1973 , and the subsequent price rise of petrochemical raw material. The Soviet Union is an exception,
where more than a million tonnes of microbial protein was produced each year. The status now is that none of the eight factories
are producing.
January 2002 marked the end of the first phase
of project Nozzle-U-Loop
fermentor at DTU (Danish Technical Universety). The major corporate events are summarised below
June 1982 |
The patent for metamorphic bacteria strain M102 was acquired from Doctor M. Naguib
Max Planck Institute . |
January 1985 |
Dansk BioProtein A/S was established by Mr Ebbe Busch Larsen. |
March 1986 |
The first 200 grams of protein was produced. |
July 1986 |
The first 500-litre fermentor was put into operation. |
October 1986 |
The first fermentor was expanded to 800 litres. |
November 1987 |
The operation of a 50-m3 production‑size fermentor. started. |
April 1988 |
The first successful feed trials were performed in Denmark. |
May 1988 |
The Institute of Animal Nutrition of the University of Hollenheim, Germany, approved the
single‑cell protein as valuable protein source. |
November 1989 |
Tests of U‑tube
fermentor with static
mixers. |
December 1993 |
The process was approved for R&D at the Technical University
of Denmark. |
June 1997 |
Experiments with U‑tube
fermentor with static
mixers and 30 days test of the U-loop fermentor. |
February 2000 |
Start of the optimisation project Nozzle-U-Loop fermentor at
DTU based on methanol. |
May 2002 |
The jet injection system patented by TofteJorg A/S is proven and
will be industrialised into the Nozzle-U-loop fermentor. |
December 2002 |
The Nozzle-U-Loop fermentor at DTU in production. |
In 1985 the research effort was formalised
by the establishment of Dansk BioProtein A/S, a Danish registered company supported by Danish universities and a group of
business people represented by managing director Ebbe Busch Larsen.
On 25
May 1987, Hafslund Nycomed bought a position of B-shares with a 1/10 voting rights at DKK 20 mill.
During the fall of 1989, negotiations were
initiated with the Norwegian State Oil Company, Statoil, Norsk Vekst A/S and Hafslund Nycomed A/S to obtain investment capital
in return for an equity position. The negotiations were concluded with the sale of 51% of the company to the Norwegian Group
leaving the Danish Group with 49%.
The corporation was valued at DKK 250 mill.
In total the Norwegians had now contributed DKK 137.5 mill.
Due to disagreements about the future business
strategy the Norwegian investors bought out the Danish stockholders.
In 1995, the original Danish researchers and
stock holders continued the project on their own with a further development of the present concept consisting of a Nozzle-U-Loop fermentor
as described in the following.
Mr Ebbe Busch Larsen and the other Danish participants
have neither any non-competition clauses nor legal obligations of any kind. The DTU does not have had any co-operation with
the Norwegian Group ever since.
In 1998, Statoil established a production plant.
The plant construction is a 300 m3 fermentor, established with horizontal fermentation.